Branding for impact

Build your impact brand from scratch.

Develop your brand purpose with strong value and story to build your impact in the world with Wendy Gosnell.

Course overview


Develop your brand purpose

Brand purpose is changing everything. It's changing business strategy, it's changing the employee experience and it's changing how we build brands. In this section we review the importance of taking on a planet problem that you and your team can solve together. It doesn't have to be big, it just has to be something that you are motivated to commit to overtime.


Identify your brand values

As purpose defines why you do what you do, your brand values define how you do it. Brand values are like your inside-out branding. They bring your brand to life in your everyday practices with consumers, supply chains and employees. They signal who you are and why your audiences should connect and build a relationship with you. In this section we help you define the values of your brand.


Craft your brand story

Your brand story is your greatest asset. It is your narrative. It defines who you are talking to, what their needs are and how you will uniquely address them in a credible way. It's how you will make your brand exciting and relevant to your audience. You will be telling this story over and over so we craft it strategically, step-by-step using proven industry brand building models.


Map your Earth Ambition

Alongside your brand story, we will develop your Earth Ambitions. These are the sustainable development goals your brand chooses to address. We will show you how to map them out so they can be measured, credentialed and verified. Your Earth Ambitions may become an important part of your brand story so the work we do here helps clarify how to speak about them. We will also address the communities your brand can influence, or will be influenced by,  to make things happen.


Communicate your impact

At this last step, we will develop your customer journey to define the channels and campaigns best suited for your brand. This step is crucial for planning your communication investment and defining the creative assets you will develop.  Brand building is strategy so we end with your brand compass, the tool you will use for all future decision making.

Enroll for this Course

Gain the tools and adopt the mindsets to build your brand.

Enroll (lifetime)

US$ 250
(lifetime access)

Build your impact brand

Your brand is your foundation. Your brand is what exists in the hearts and minds of everyone who knows you.

Avoid greenwashing

Develop a brand that walks the talk. Communicate your impact authentically.

Do it yourself

The branding journey doesn't have to be expensive. Get your hands on industry hacks and let us guide you to do it yourself!

Over 3h of on-demand videos

10+ Exercices & Framework

2-8h per Worksheet & Guided Brainstorm

Enroll for this Course

Gain the tools and adopt the mindsets to build your brand.

Enroll (lifetime)

US$ 250
(lifetime access)

The instructors

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What's the time commitment?
What if I already have a brand, is this course for me?
Should I complete this course alone or with others?
Will this course help me design a logo for my website?
Do I receive a certificate of completion?

Enroll for this Course

Enroll (lifetime)

US$ 250
(lifetime access)